Q: Is there a fee to join the VDSN?
A: The VDSN is free to join.
Q: Can I be a member if I am not based in Victoria?
A: In most cases, no. To be eligible for a VDSN membership, a member must be based in Victoria and their organisation must have an office or large packet of work in Victoria.
Q: What are the different VDSN membership levels?
A: There are 3 different membership levels.
Professional Member - ideal for most VDSN members
Company Rep – previously known as Network Delegate. This person is responsible for maintaining their organisation's profile page which displays on the VDSN Members Directory.
Student - ideal for students, recent graduates, and young professionals within the Space, Defence sectors.
Q: Why is there a capped limit on only 1 Company Rep per an organisation?
A: As the Company Rep is responsible for entering and maintainingtheir organisation’s profile, having multiple Company Reps could lead to duplicate data entries, accidentally overwriting one another data, and so on. 1 Company Rep only. Who this person is remains entirely up to the organisation.
As a guide, someone typically experienced with Marketing, Business Development, Sales, and is familiar with Defence is an excellent candidate to consider.
Q: As a member, what are the benefits to me?
A: Every organisation and individual is unique, below are the most common benefits.
Access to exclusive member’s only events, resources, forums, and the job’s board
Regularly occurring events such as industry briefings, meet the primes, how to enter the Defence sector, and many more..